Wednesday, April 18, 2012

post 7

In Brandt's article, she talks about literacy in terms of a economical stand point.  She explains literacy as if it was some sort of currency or better yet a service or good you would trade for currency.  I think that she has a pretty interesting point of view.  Brandt says that sponsors are the teachers, elders, or military officers who have some sort of knowledge or higher discipline or credibility that makes them suitable to be sponsors.  She says that in most every case a sponsor also has something to gain from being a sponsor.  I think that this could be true just because she also explains that sponsors lend their skills and resources and even sometimes their credibility to the ones they are sponsoring.  To me this means that if they are willing to risk something like that for someone that they are able to gain.  It seems as though these people are able to gain something because they are also losing a small something too, they give and take, eventually they are able to gain more than they give. 

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